Friday, March 16, 2012

The family that shoots together...stays together

I'm back!!! I have been running crazy. I have, at least for now, solved my ammunition problem. I found some at a local store a few weeks ago and bought them out. :D I do, sincerely, feel sorrow for anyone that went looking for some after me. I was just going nuts so now I have a stock pile. My hubby looked at me like he was questioning my sanity when I brought home so much, haha.

Then to my surprise a few weeks ago, both of my folks got a new firearm. My mom's first. She sounded sooo.... excited when telling me about it, though if you ask her, she was just excited because she knew I would be. Moms are soooo... cute. Mom got a 38 revolver and my dad got a 380 semi-auto. Now I just have to get my hubby interested so I can enjoy my past time with him also.

So today was my first day at the range in 2 months...lack of ammo remember. My folks joined me. It was so great, I use it as a stress release and it works really well. I was glad to see my lack of practice did not necessarily make me a better shot, but it also did not get worse. Back to practicing. My mom took her first shots, I must say that she needs to speed up her shots, but I would still not want to run into her in a dark alley. Mom is a pretty good shot, must be a natural. My dad is going to have to get used to his new semi also. The exciting part was that I got to take a few shots with my dad's 380 myself. I must say I am now so wanting a semi auto of my own. Now do not get me wrong, I still love my revolver, but variety sure can keep things interesting. Now how do I break it to my hubby, who has stated before is already questioning my sanity, that I want another firearm? Hahaha.... This may get interesting...

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